
This gem is a one of implementations of W3C DOM.

Primary LanguageRuby

VCDOM [RubyGem]

This project makes a implementation of W3C DOM working on Ruby. Now, it’s under construction…


Following example shows you how to create a new DOM Document object:

require "vcdom"
# the Module object VCDOM can be used as a DOMImplementation object
@dom_impl = VCDOM
# create a document having no namespace
doc = @dom_impl.create_document( nil, "test-element" )
# check
doc.document_element.tag_name #=> "test-element"
doc.document_element.namespace_uri #=> nil
# create a document having namespace
doc = @dom_impl.create_document( "http://www.vividcode.info/test_namespace", "test-element" )
# check
doc.document_element.tag_name #=> "test-element"
doc.document_element.namespace_uri #=> "http://www.vividcode.info/test_namespace"

Following example shows you how to parse XML string and how to serialize DOM objects:

require "vcdom/xml_ls"
@ls_impl = VCDOM::XMLLS
# get parser
parser = @ls_impl.create_ls_parser( :mode_asynchronous, nil )
# set input xml string
input  = @ls_impl.create_ls_input()
input.string_data = "<empty-element/>"
# do parse
doc = parser.parse( input )
    #=> "empty-element"
# parse other xml string
input.string_data = "<test>aaaa</test>"
doc = parser.parse( input )
    #=> "aaaa"
# serialize
serializer = @ls_impl.create_ls_serializer()
serializer.write_to_string( doc ) 
    #=> "<test>aaa</test>"