
A minimal high performance date library for Node.js and Browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A minimal high performance date library for Node.js and Browser. Use it to compare and manipulate dates.


npm install instadate


var instadate = require('instadate');

var date1 = new Date();
var date2 = instadate.addDays(date1, 1);

instadate.differenceInDates(date1, date2);

Motivation behind Instadate

Current popular date libraries put a lot of effort into doing a lot causing them to lose a lot of performance because of heavy abstractions. Instadate on the other hand only has a handful of features that are all geared towards performance. Instadate is more of a wrapper around the native JavaScript Date than a full on date library.

Use Instadate when you need to run thousands of date manipulations or comparisons per second. Instadate is managed and used by Teamweek team calendar.


  • is fast (10 - 1000 times faster than moment)
  • is small (just look at the source)
  • is immutable (Instadate will always return new date objects and never modify the given ones)

API Reference


Returns the UTC time in milliseconds.


Returns a copy of the date with hours set to 12 and minutes, seconds and milliseconds set to 0.

differenceInDays(from, to)

Returns the difference in days (24 hour periods) between two dates. Returned result can be negative.

differenceInHours(from, to)

Returns the difference in hours (60 minute periods) between two dates. Returned result can be negative.

differenceInMinutes(from, to)

Returns the difference in minutes (60 second periods) between two dates. Returned result can be negative.

differenceInSeconds(from, to)

Returns the difference in seconds (1000 milisecond periods) between two dates. Returned result can be negative.

differenceInWeekendDays(from, to)

Returns the difference in days (24 hour periods) between two dates. Excludes work days. Returned result can be negative.

differenceInWorkDays(from, to)

Returns the difference in days (24 hour periods) between two dates. Excludes weekend days. Returned result can be negative.

differenceInDates(from, to)

Similar to differenceInDays however counts all dates that fit into the period, not 24 hour periods.

addDays(date, days)

Returns a cloned date with days added to it, use negative input for subtraction.

addHours(date, hours)

Returns a cloned date with hours added to it, use negative input for subtraction.

addMinutes(date, minutes)

Returns a cloned date with minutes added to it, use negative input for subtraction.

addSeconds(date, seconds)

Returns a cloned date with seconds added to it, use negative input for subtraction.

addMilliseconds(date, milliseconds)

Returns a cloned date with milliseconds added to it, use negative input for subtraction.

isSameYear(date1, date2)

Returns if the years are equal

isSameMonth(date1, date2)

Returns if the years and months are equal

isSameDay(date1, date2)

Returns if the years, months and dates are equal

equal(date1, date2)

Returns if the dates are equal to millisecond precision

min(date1, date2)

Returns the earliest date

max(date1, date2)

Returns the latest date

dates(start, end)

Returns all dates within start and end period. Uses differenceInDates internally.


Returns the date part of a Date as a string. Example: Mon Jan 25 2016.


Returns the date part of an iso Date as a string. Example: 2016-01-25.


Returns the first date of the month.


Returns the last date of the month.


Checks if the given day (0-6) is a weekend day.


Checks if the given day (0-6) is a work day.


Checks if the given date is a weekend day.


Checks if the given date is a work day.


Sets the given days (array containing integers from 0 to 6) as weekend days. Any day not in the array will be set as a work day. After the weekend days are set all Instadate functions will use the new work and weekend days.

daysInPeriod(firstDay, length, daysArray)

Counts the days defined in daysArray within the given period.

  • firstDay - day to start counting from (0-6)
  • length - the total of days to count (can be negative)
  • daysArray - array of days to count (if you want to count Mondays and Tuesdays use [1, 2])

weekendDaysInPeriod(firstDay, length)

Counts weekend days within period.

workDaysInPeriod(firstDay, length)

Counts work days within period.

isYearAfter(date1, date2)

Checks if date1 year is after date2 year.

isMonthAfter(date1, date2)

Checks if date1 month is after date2 month.

isDayAfter(date1, date2)

Checks if date1 date is after date2 date.

isYearBefore(date1, date2)

Checks if date1 year is before date2 year.

isMonthBefore(date1, date2)

Checks if date1 month is before date2 month.

isDayBefore(date1, date2)

Checks if date1 date is before date2 date.

isYearBetween(date1, date2, date3)

Checks if date1 year is between date2 and date3 years.

isMonthBetween(date1, date2, date3)

Checks if date1 month is between date2 and date3 months.

isDayBetween(date1, date2, date3)

Checks if date1 is between date2 and date3.


Converts day (0-6) to iso day (1-7).


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