NestJS Microservices with RabbitMQ / Grafana / Helm Charts

Fully managed Microservices starter pack using NestJS / RabbitMQ. created with SQL, NoSQL databases, Kong API Gateway, Grafana Logging stack and Helm charts.

For Linux, I would recommend this tool for docker container inspection:

Dependencies & Services

Get started Notes:

  • Use git submodule update --init --recursive command to update/fetch submodules.
  • Use .env.local file while working on local environment and use .env for production.
  • Make sure to change service name to localhost in .env.local while running single service only in terminal.
  • kong.yml from kong/conf/kong.yml file is configured for api gateway.
  • Kong development server endpoint will start on port 8000.
  • Health endpoint: host:port/api/health
  • Swagger docs endpoint: host:port/api/docs

Run in local

start core services first (postgres, rabbitmq, mongodb, redis)

npm run up 

Now, first place .env file in service folder then go to service folder cd auth

npm run dev

to stop core services, run

npm run down

Run in local with docker-compose

start core services

npm run up

docker-compose command - this will take env variables from .env.local

docker-compose up "service name" 


docker-compose up "service name" --build

Run all services in Local Env using docker-compose

docker-compose up 

Setup Grafana Dashboard in Local Env

To see the logs on Grafana dashboard, follow below steps.

  1. Open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000, use default credentials username "admin" and password "admin" to login.
  2. Now, go to http://localhost:3000/datasources and select Loki from Logging and document databases section.
  3. Enter http://loki:3100 in URL under HTTP section. We can do this because we are running Loki and Grafana in the same network.
  4. loki else you have to enter host IP address and port here, click on Save and Test button from the bottom of the page.
  5. Now, go to 3rd tab "Explore" from the left sidebar or http://localhost:3000/explore
  6. select containers and run the query. you will see below view on your screen. image

Deployment in ECR



  • change "aws_region" and "aws_account_id" as per your AWS account.

Build in Local


K8s Deployment with Helm charts:

NOTE: I would recommend tool k9s for better understanding of a cluster. To start with helm deployment in local machine, make sure that you have started Minikube. service images should be available in your local docker env and core service should be up and running in local env.

If you're unable to use local images in minikube cluster then refer this blog

minikube start

Now, install helm charts

helm install nestjs-ms helm 

To get services endpoints

minikube service list
# check loki stack installed in current namespace
helm list
# NAME     	NAMESPACE	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART           	APP VERSION
# nestjs-ms	default  	1       	2023-02-27 19:11:14.537649934 +0530 IST	deployed	nestjs-ms-0.1.0 	1.0.0  

# now get loki IP from k8s cluster
kubectl get service nestjs-ms-loki
# NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
# nestjs-ms-loki   ClusterIP   <none>        3100/TCP   28m

# use this ClusterIP to add datasource Loki in grafana dashboard

# at the end minikube service list will look like this
minikube service list
# |-------------|-----------------------------------|--------------------|---------------------------|
# |  NAMESPACE  |               NAME                |    TARGET PORT     |            URL            |
# |-------------|-----------------------------------|--------------------|---------------------------|
# | default     | auth-service                      | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | files-service                     | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | kubernetes                        | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | nestjs-ms-grafana                 | service/80         | |
# | default     | nestjs-ms-kong-proxy              | kong-proxy/80      | |
# |             |                                   | kong-proxy-tls/443 | |
# | default     | nestjs-ms-kong-validation-webhook | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | nestjs-ms-loki                    | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | nestjs-ms-loki-headless           | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | nestjs-ms-loki-memberlist         | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | notification-service              | No node port       |                           |
# | default     | post-service                      | No node port       |                           |
# | kube-system | kube-dns                          | No node port       |                           |
# |-------------|-----------------------------------|--------------------|---------------------------|
# To access grafana :
# To access kong gateway:

Clean up the local env

helm uninstall nestjs-ms