

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


windows 下 vscode 配置 OpenGL 开发环境


  • windows 需安装 MinGW, install gcc、g++、gdb 和 mingw32-make

  • vscode 插件 C/C++C/C++ Project Generator

  • glfw 下载 Windows pre-compiled binaries

  • glad 生成静态库

    gcc ./src/glad.c -c -I ./include/
    ar -rc libglad.a glad.o
  • glm 复制到 include 目录下

  • imgui 复制到 include 目下,Makefile 中添加以下命令

    # define the C source files
    SOURCES		:= $(wildcard $(patsubst %,%/*.cpp, $(SOURCEDIRS)))
    SOURCES	+= include/imgui/imgui_impl_glfw.cpp include/imgui/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
    SOURCES	+= include/imgui/imgui.cpp include/imgui/imgui_demo.cpp include/imgui/imgui_draw.cpp include/imgui/imgui_widgets.cpp
  • assimp 下载已编译好的文件 Assimp3-1-1_MinGW4-8-1_Win32.zip

  • Makefile

    # 'make'        build executable file 'main'
    # 'make clean'  removes all .o and executable files
    # define the Cpp compiler to use
    CXX = g++
    # define any compile-time flags
    CXXFLAGS	:= -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -g
    # define library paths in addition to /usr/lib
    #   if I wanted to include libraries not in /usr/lib I'd specify
    #   their path using -Lpath, something like:
    LFLAGS =
    # define output directory
    OUTPUT	:= output
    # define source directory 运行时修改此处路径
    SRC		:= src/$(dir) #// 传递 var 变量定义执行文件目录
    # define include directory
    INCLUDE	:= include
    # define lib directory
    LIB		:= lib
    LIBRARIES	:= -lglad -lglfw3dll -llibassimp
    ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
    MAIN	:= main.exe
    LIBDIRS		:= $(LIB)
    FIXPATH = $(subst /,/,$1)
    RM			:= del /q a/f
    MD	:= mkdir
    MAIN	:= main
    SOURCEDIRS	:= $(shell find $(SRC) -type d)
    INCLUDEDIRS	:= $(shell find $(INCLUDE) -type d)
    LIBDIRS		:= $(shell find $(LIB) -type d)
    FIXPATH = $1
    RM = rm -f
    MD	:= mkdir -p
    # define any directories containing header files other than /usr/include
    INCLUDES	:= $(patsubst %,-I%, $(INCLUDEDIRS:%/=%))
    # define the C libs
    LIBS		:= $(patsubst %,-L%, $(LIBDIRS:%/=%))
    # define the C source files
    SOURCES		:= $(wildcard $(patsubst %,%/*.cpp, $(SOURCEDIRS)))
    SOURCES	+= include/imgui/imgui_impl_glfw.cpp include/imgui/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
    SOURCES	+= include/imgui/imgui.cpp include/imgui/imgui_demo.cpp include/imgui/imgui_draw.cpp include/imgui/imgui_widgets.cpp
    # define the C object files
    OBJECTS		:= $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
    # The following part of the makefile is generic; it can be used to
    # build any executable just by changing the definitions above and by
    # deleting dependencies appended to the file from 'make depend'
    all: $(OUTPUT) $(MAIN)
      @echo Executing 'all' complete!
      $(MD) $(OUTPUT)
    $(MAIN): $(OBJECTS)
    # this is a suffix replacement rule for building .o's from .c's
    # it uses automatic variables $<: the name of the prerequisite of
    # the rule(a .c file) and $@: the name of the target of the rule (a .o file)
    # (see the gnu make manual section about automatic variables)
      $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $<  -o $@
    .PHONY: clean
      $(RM) $(OUTPUTMAIN)
      $(RM) $(call FIXPATH,$(OBJECTS))
      @echo Cleanup complete!
    run: all
      @echo Executing 'run: all' complete!


1. Run


make run dir=01_test_glfw

2. Debug

需要设置调试一个文件 修改 tasks.json下面的条目

 "label": "build",
  "type": "shell",
  "group": {
      "kind": "build",
      "isDefault": true
  "windows": {
      "command": "powershell",
      "args": [
          "make dir=01_test_glfw", // 调式 01_test_glfw/main.cpp