
High throughput Fizz Buzz: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/215216/high-throughput-fizz-buzz

Primary LanguageGo

High throughput Fizz Buzz

This is my submission for the High throughput Fizz Buzz challenge.

On a MacBook Pro M1 Max 2021, the throughput is around 4.4 GiB/s.


The program spawns several workers responsible for filling buffers with the expected Fizz Buzz data. Those workers are CPU-bound and run in parallel (one worker per CPU). Meanwhile, another goroutine is responsible for fetching complete buffers in the right order and writing those to stdout. There are a few other optimizations: the main loop is unrolled to perform the same 15 computations on each step (no need to compare modulos) and integers are written in base 1000 without allocation.
