
CPU-based multithreaded raytracer that supports basic primitives, bump-map and textures.

Primary LanguageC


42 Vim 42

Welcome to the world of raytracing ! Discover our miniRT, a CPU-based raytracer, showcasing this wonderful project.

More images! A chamber with multiple lights, checkered texture, cone and cylinder... Light synthesis example with a red, green, and blue light. The raytracer also support bump mapping. Here's a moon with a normal map applied. With multiple planets... A little guy made out of multiple shapes...

Before reading

Note that we use a right-hand coordinate system, using the y-axis as the up vector and z-axis as the forward vector of our coordinate system.

Matrices are used in column-major order.

How to use ?

Clone the repository using the --recurse-submodules, you can use the alias gcl if you're using oh-my-zsh.

For full experience compile the bonus version using make. Each file must be terminated with the .rt extension.

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Exio666/42-miniRT
cd miniRT_bonus
./miniRT_bonus path_to_file.rt

Creating a scene

❗ Each component of the orientation vector is normalized beetween [-1;1].

A scene can only have a single camera, defined by :
C xPos,yPos,zPos xDir,yDir,zDir   FOV

Pos is a point describing the camera position.

Dir is a vector orienting the camera.

FOV is the field of view.

And an ambient light, used to simulate indirect illumination :
A   Ratio   R,G,B

Ratio is the intensity of the light, between range [0;1].

R,G,B is the color of the ambiant light, each component is between range [0;255].

Each scene can have an infinite number of lights :
L   xPos,yPos,zPos   Ratio   R,G,B

Pos is a point describing the light position.

Ratio is the intensity of the light, between range [0;1].

R,G,B is the color of the ambiant light, each component is between range [0;255].

Each line starts with an identifier, describing a shape.

Our miniRT supports a couple of basic shapes :

  • Finite closed cylinder : cy
  • Finite closed cone : cn
  • Sphere : sp
  • Infinite plane : pl

The cylinder :
cy    xPos,yPos,zPos    xDir,yDir,zDir    Lenght    Diameter    R,G,B

Pos is a point describing the cylinder position.

Dir is a vector orienting the cylinder.

R,G,B is the color of the cylinder, each component is between range [0;255].

Lenght and Diameter cannot be negative.

The cone shares the exact same description as the cylinder.

The sphere :
sp    xPos,yPos,zPos    Radius    R,G,B

Pos is a point describing the sphere position.

R,G,B is the color of the sphere, each component is between range [0;255].

Radius is the radius of the sphere.

The plane:
pl    xPos,yPos,zPos    xDir,yDir,zDir    R,G,B

Pos is a point describing the plane position.

Dir is a vector orienting the plane.

R,G,B is the color of the plane, each component is between range [0;255].

You can apply a checkered texture on all shapes. After each object color declaration, add the following sentence :

checkered    R,G,B    R,G,B

Again, both colors must be in range of [0;255].

You can apply a texture, with a normal map or without, on a sphere, cylinder or cone, with the following sentence :

texture           path_to_texture


texture_normal    path_to_texture    path_to_normal_map_texture

Orientation vector

Nothing better than images to explain our approch of this orientation vector.

Given a cylinder with an orientation vector (0, 1, 0), the result is the following cylinder :

Given a cylinder with an orientation vector (1, 1, 1), the result is the following cylinder :

Given a cylinder with an orientation vector (1, 1, 0), the result is the following cylinder :