
Extension for stoutlogics ACF-builder for easier handling of flexible content

Primary LanguagePHP

Nocturnal Content Blocks



If you don't already have ACF Builder on your WordPress installation you could run composer install from the plugin root.


Creating a content block

Create a folder in your theme root directory called acf-content-blocks and the plugin will include all blocks for you.

class Banner extends \NocturnalContent\LayoutBuilder
    public function layout()
        return $this->addText('cool_banner', [
                        'label' => 'Banner text',
                        'wrapper' => [
                            'width' => '50'
                    ->addImage('banner_background', [
                        'label' => 'Banner background image',
                        'wrapper' => [
                            'width' => '50'

Register blocks

It's up to you where you put your build files. You could put them in acf-content-blocks as well, but make sure it ends up last. Maybe name your blocks with a _-prefix?


namespace NocturnalContent;

$blocks = new BaseBuilder('Blocks');

// This is not a flexible content
$blocks->addText('This is text');

// This is flexible content
$flexibleContent = new FlexibleContent('The flexible content');

// Adding the banner from the example
$flexibleContent->addFlexLayout(new Banner('Cool banner'));

// Adding another block
$flexibleContent->addFlexLayout(new Row('Cool row'));

        ->setLocation('post_type', '==', 'page');

// Neat shorthand function for building the fields