
Boilerplate for Golang web API with Rest, JWT authentication and Postgres DB

Primary LanguageGo

Boilerplate for Golang REST API with JWT authentication and Postgres

To run this project:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run docker-compose up -d to start postgres or edit db/database.go file with your Postgres credentials
  3. Run main.go and enjoy.


  • JWT based authentication
  • Postgres database
  • DB migrations
  • Auth middleware
  • Very minimal logging middleware
  • Models

Architecture of the project

Read more about project setup and architecture

How to create user and authenticate and access private route

  1. Run the project

  2. POST request localhost:3000/v1/user/ with JSON body{ "first_name": "Good", "last_name": "Joe", "email": "user.name@gmail.com", "password": "kalasupp1" }

  3. POST request localhost:3000/v1/login with JSON body { "email": "user.name@gmail.com", "password": "kalasupp1" }

  4. GET request localhost:3000/v1/secret and include header Authorization with the value of token received in the previous step. You should get access to the private route.