
Naming based issue with upstream iree in Bootgen

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am having trouble lowering a simple torch dialect module like this through the backend

module @module {
func.func @matmul(%arg0: !torch.vtensor<[256,256],f32>, %arg1: !torch.vtensor<[256, 256],f32>) -> !torch.vtensor<[256, 256],f32> {
  %4 = %arg0, %arg1: !torch.vtensor<[256,256],f32>, !torch.vtensor<[256,256],f32>  -> !torch.vtensor<[256,256],f32>
  return %4 : !torch.vtensor<[256,256],f32>

The reason is that we name the dispatch with a $ sign like 'configured_module_matmul$async_dispatch_0.mlir' and this is passed as a symbol to the aie.device op and then eventually to bootgen which doesnt like it

****** Bootgen v2024.1
  **** Build date : Jun 18 2024-14:12:05
    ** Copyright 1986-2022 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    ** Copyright 2022-2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

WARNING: bad character! '$' (0x24)

ERROR:BootGen - syntax error
   Line #9, "three_matmul_torch/$async_dispatch_0_amdaie_xclbin_fb/design.bif".

Although strictly speaking bootgen should allow the $ in the time being I will sanitize the names to not have the $

This would seem to be more of a backend legalization question, rather than a fronted problem, though?

This would seem to be more of a backend legalization question, rather than a fronted problem, though?

Yeah, I will basically sanitize the names in the backend to legalize them.

Although strictly speaking bootgen should allow the $ in the time being I will sanitize the names to not have the $

bootgen uses bison/yacc for various things (parsing/serializing) so I'm guessing the requirement comes from there (yacc/bison might not allow) and thus we don't have much choice here.