
A small collection of useful utilities for the Tornado Webserver

Primary LanguagePython


This project has been pretty much abandoned in favor of splitting out the useful bits into their own standalone libraries. This makes testing much easier and doesn't require people who just want individual bits to satisfy the requirements for the parts they don't wish to use.

Please see tornroutes for the route decorator.

Async Yields have been deprecated in favor of the superior gen.task that's included in tornado core now.

CushionDBMixin has been abandoned. Sorry.


This is a collection of addons and accompanying unit tests for the excellent Tornado web server

These addons are licensed the same as Tornado under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html).


Just place this directory in your python path or run the following:

sudo python setup.py install


Every addon will have a set of accompanying unit tests. We prefer to run them via Nose.

cd tornado_addons/


The best source of information is the comments in routes.py or async_yield.py. They're fairly well commented and give a better understanding of the libs.


Here's a simple example.

import tornado.web
from tornado_addons.route import route

class SomeHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

t = tornado.web.Application(route.get_routes(), {'some app': 'settings'}

Async yields

Here's an example with normal callbacks.

from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient

class SomeHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.somedata = 'xxx'
        AsyncHTTPClient.fetch( 'http://over/there',
            callback=self.my_async_http_cb )

    def my_async_http_cb(self, fetch_data):
        # do stuff with fetchdata here

Or, you can wrap your methods with async_yield...

from tornado_addons.async_yield import async_yield, AsyncYieldMixin

class SomeHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler, AsyncYieldMixin):

	def some_func(self, callback):
		x = yield some_async_call(callback=self.yield_cb)

    def get(self):
        ycb = self.yield_cb
		retval = yield some_func(ycb)
        somedata = 'xxx'
        fetchdata = yield AsyncHTTPClient.fetch( 'http://over/there',
                              callback=ycb )
        # do stuff with fetchdata here
        self.write(fetchdata.body if not fetchdata.error else '')

The @async_yield wrapper works for methods bound to a RequestHandler.


Cushion is a bit of an extraction layer around trombi, an asynchronous CouchDB driver for Tornado.

It provides a mixin for RequestHandler that simplifies database access, especially when used in conjunction with async_yield.

from tornado.web import RequestHandler
from tornado_addons.cushion import CushionDBMixin
from tornado_addons.async_yield import async_yield, AsyncYieldMixin

class SomeHandler(RequestHandler, CushionDBMixin, AsyncYieldMixin):

    def get(self):
        ycb = self.mycb('get')
        yield self.db_setup('someDB', uri_to_couchdb, ycb)
        x = yield self.db_one('some_key', ycb)
        # ... do stuff wth your data in x now