ICFPC 2019 repository

Team sanma

How to build

$ cd src/
$ make

How to use

how to solve a problem

$ ./src/solver run <engine_name> --desc ./dataset/problems/prob-001.desc --output ./solution/<engine_name>/prob-001.sol [--buy ./buy]

Where <engine_name>', which is listed in [engine_names.txt](https://github.com/nodchip/icfpc2019/blob/master/engine_names.txt). If the directory contains a file whose name is same with problem's file, i.e. prob-001.buy`, it uses the file to buy boosters.

how to solve all problems

$ ENGINE_NAME=<engine_name> ./scripts/execute_engine.sh

It runs the solver engine, and outputs solutions into ./solutions/<engine_name>. If the new solution is better than the one under ./best_solution, it updates the best solution.

Team mates

  • nodchip
  • qhapaq
  • peria
  • fof
  • tonagi
  • tsuzuki