Modeled from the (Facebook Javascript SDK), now with the facebook-node-sdk you can now easily write the same code and share between your server (nodejs) and the client (Facebook Javascript SDK).
- 3
Does this library still receive maintenance?
#192 opened by itsManeka - 1
How to handle rate-limits on error?
#190 opened by Tobjoern - 5
post 'attached_media' array
#187 opened by Art3miX - 3
Search user for mentioning
#189 opened by Albinzr - 2
- 4
- 0
#186 opened by lupu60 - 1
how to handle token under Multi-app usage case
#183 opened by thunderwin - 0
#181 opened by nagycsenge - 1
Published posts aren't visible on a page
#180 opened by onikishov - 0
Publish 3.0.0 changes to npm
#179 opened by watchinharrison - 2
An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.
#177 opened by Araknos - 2
appSecretProof is null?
#174 opened by JonesWest - 2
First argument must be a string or Buffer
#130 opened by NeXTs - 1
what for depricated api's !
#173 opened by mohd7469 - 2
Security: Update version of request and debug
#171 opened by acuntex - 1
Log the user out of facebook?
#170 opened by andithemudkip - 3
- 2
after param doesn't seem to work
#169 opened by andricicezar - 7
Published NPM Code includes ES6 Features
#168 opened by Aubron - 3
Publish pre-compiled code to npm
#147 opened by rooneyg21 - 0
Add flow types and consider TypeScript bindings
#167 opened by dantman - 0
Upgrade to babel 7
#155 opened by dantman - 3
Leaks detected
#115 opened by throrin19 - 0
Remove usage of function-bind
#156 opened by dantman - 0
Support ESM
#154 opened by dantman - 0
Remove FB.napi
#153 opened by dantman - 0
Support isomorphic web applications with a wrapper for Facebook's official client-side SDK
#152 opened by dantman - 0
Remove FB.setAccessToken and warn when accessToken option is set on global `FB`
#151 opened by dantman - 1
Getting error 'An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.'
#149 opened by N-W-Turash - 1
FB.api(id) Throwing error
#148 opened by akashdathan - 1
Can not call FB.logout()
#146 opened by NguyenVanVu-K58CA - 11
error when using with node 0.10.4
#118 opened by gudurisaiteja - 0
Reduce usage of heavy polyfills
#145 opened by dantman - 1
Get Access token exception
#117 opened by satheeshwaran - 1
'fields' option not added my GET url
#121 opened by q3e - 1
FB.getLoginUrl() not working with some of the scope
#133 opened by rolljee - 1
Administrative Permission
#134 opened by eli8levit - 7
Error when upload photos to FB with buffer
#112 opened by HoneyryderChuck - 1
/{user-id}/picture node error
#126 opened by ahmedosama94 - 3
- 7
Compiled ES5 Version?
#129 opened by kirkins - 5
React production Crash
#128 opened by stychu - 0
ry code 92
#127 opened by bell-steven - 1
Syntax Error when using Complex fields
#123 opened by q3e - 1
- 1
Mentions not working when posting
#120 opened by rodryquintero - 3
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
#116 opened by JCarlosR - 1
Modify the response from multiple page ID's
#113 opened by LotharVM - 1
Get the facebook login status
#110 opened by coyksdev