
Validate unicode values

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Minimal, RFC 6749 compliant ascii and unicode validator.

This package is intended to be used with a OAuth2 server, like @node-oauth/node-oauth2-server , but can also be used with any other project, that shares the same requirements.


$ npm install @node-oauth/formats


const isFormat = require('@node-oauth/formats')

isFormat.nchar('Hello, World!') // false
isFormat.nqchar('Hello, World!') // true

For detailed usage see the API docs


npm install
npm run lint            # run esline in check mode
npm run lint:fix        # run esline in check mode
npm run test            # run test once
npm run test:coverage   # run tests with coverage report


This project has been outsourced from @node-oauth/node-oauth2-server , which is a fork from oauth2-server . The licence remains MIT, see our license file.