
Primary LanguageTypeScript

A Node.js-based library for implementing an OCPP Central System (CS) providing an intuitive syntax for sending & handling messages. Currently supports OCPP-J (JSON over WebSocket) and includes message type definitions for 1.6 Feature Profile 'Core'.

Usage example

import { WsEndpoint, ocpp16 } from '@node-ocpp/core';

const cs = new WsEndpoint({ authRequired: false });

cs.handle<ocpp16.BootNotificationRequest>('BootNotification', async data => ({
  currentTime: new Date(),
  status: 'Accepted',
  interval: 120,

cs.on('client_connected', async session => {
  const response = await cs.send<ocpp16.RemoteStartTransactionRequest>(
    { idTag: '1234567890' }



Key Type Purpose Default
port number TCP port on which the application should listen 8080 (development)
80 (production)
hostname string Host name on which the application should listen localhost
route string Route which clients should connect to, appended by their individual CP id /ocpp
protocols string[] WebSocket subprotocol versions for which upgrade requests should be allowed ocpp1.2 - ocpp2.0.1
actionsAllowed string[] OCPP actions which the CS should allow to be sent/received Actions for 1.6 Feature Profile 'Core'
maxConnections number Maximum number of clients which should be allowed to connect at the same time 511
sessionTimeout number Time in milliseconds after which a client session will be terminated if no further messages are received 30000
authRequired boolean Whether connection attempts should be denied unless explicitly accepted true
basicAuth boolean Whether HTTP BASIC authentication mechanism should be allowed
(Only secure in combination with HTTPS)
certificateAuth boolean Whether clients should be able to use SSL/TLS certificates for authentication
(It is recommended to use an e.g. Nginx proxy for this purpose)
validation boolean Whether the contents of inbound & outbound messages should be validated against official JSON schemas true