
script with no sudo

syswombat opened this issue · 3 comments

would be nice to have the script running without sudo
bash <(curl -sL

/dev/fd/63: Zeile 278: sudo: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/dev/fd/63: Zeile 281: sudo: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/dev/fd/63: Zeile 283: sudo: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/dev/fd/63: Zeile 284: sudo: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/dev/fd/63: Zeile 293: sudo: Kommando nicht gefunden.

What operating system and version are you using ? How do you install applications as a normal user without using sudo to give you admin privileges ?

Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Kernel: 6.0.0-2-amd64 x86_64
it is a VM just for InfluxDB and nodeRed - so iam root

We really don't recommend installing as root... but I have just uploaded a version of the script that hopefully may detect root and not call sudo...

please let me know if it works