- 2
Provide flatpak installer
#54 opened by phreed - 1
Can not run script
#52 opened by marko033 - 1
- 2
- 1
During influxdb configuration, adding tokens cannot be synchronized with web pages. After the token is modified in the flows.json file, Web pages do not take effect
#51 opened by jiadong696 - 4
failing to install on GCP VM w/ Debian
#48 opened by nycalex - 2
Bypass settings file initialisation
#46 opened by lukesb - 1
Script fails if sudo is last entry in group list
#47 opened by puni2k - 0
- 1
option --nodered-user is broken
#44 opened by bs-eng - 12
- 1
No an issure, but i have no clue.
#41 opened by Onshuis - 9
Install fails, finds no npm
#39 opened by jpelletier - 1
sed: can't read /lib/systemd/system/nodered.service.temp: No such file or directory
#38 opened by cnnews - 6
update-nodejs-and-nodered messes up filesystem rights when --node16 or --node18 provided on armv6l
#37 opened by friebi - 4
RPI install script wrong flag management
#27 opened by FStefanni - 7
setcap in deb installer
#33 opened by OrionTheGiant - 3
script with no sudo
#35 opened by syswombat - 3
Came across this today? Looks like the install script needs a slight tweak?
#32 opened by Jibun-no-Kage - 6
- 1
NPM v8 has depreciated `--global`
#30 opened by Steve-Mcl - 2
- 3
Install script for Raspberry Pi may disable/damage some existing nodejs installations
#24 opened by toggledbits - 2
Update via parallel-ssh?
#23 opened by n3odon - 5
Remove Python2 dependencies
#12 opened by SummerSeaSun - 1
- 3
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
#21 opened by tvan0076 - 6
Install fails on AlmaLinux 8.4
#17 opened by andrewm659 - 14
node-red-start leaks terminal window title
#16 opened by ygoe - 7
"No need for sudo" is misleading
#10 opened by njh - 4
- 1
Run the script without any questions?
#9 opened by TinajaLabs - 9
- 1
- 2
Node-Red not fully installed
#4 opened by agentflippy5 - 1
Raspberry pi install script fails with valid node.js but without npm installed
#6 opened by peeter123