
Wrong Rate limits

cedricdelpoux opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello, I try to found the best way to handle rate limits but I have some strange behaviors

const handleError = (err) => {
  const {
  } = strava.rateLimiting
  console.lg(shortTermUsage, shortTermLimit)

  throw new Error(err.message)

const payload = await strava.athlete.listActivities(args).catch(errors.StatusCodeError, handleError)

The error is:
429 - {"message":"Rate Limit Exceeded","errors":[{"resource":"Application","field":"rate limit","code":"exceeded"}]}

But shortTermUsage is 574 while shortTermLimit is 600

So my script stop. The next time I start my script and I go to handleError, shortTermUsage and shortTermLimit are equal to 0 like not initialized.

Did I miss something?

You are using the Promise API but checking the rate limiting stats collected and reported by the callback API.

The docs provide an alternative rate-limiting API for use with the promise interface.

If you want to know the detailed difference between how the two alternatives work, read the code.

In the documentation

In our promise API, to track rate limiting we use a global counter accessible through `strava.rateLimiting`. The rate limiting status is updated with each request.

I don't understand what you means because I use the global counter accessible via strava.rateLimiting. It's what I understand from the documentation

@cedricdelpoux You are welcome to review the rate limiting code to see if there's a bug there:

I use strava.rateLimiting.exceeded() and it seems to be working well for me.

The object strava.rateLimiting is correct most of the time except when the first fetch thow an error, for example if rate limit exceeded before the first fetch.

I did not try but I think we need to call rateLimiting.updateRateLimits in a catch or a finally here

I just did