
Puppet module to manage deployed Django apps

Primary LanguagePuppetApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Django module for Puppet

Manages deployed Django apps and related stuff


  • Supports multiple Django applications on the same server
  • Manages application processes with Supervisord
  • Supports per-app virtualenvs
  • Installs application-related OS packages
  • Manages user accounts and deployment ssh keys
  • Manages Celery workers and beat
  • Supports environment variable definition from .env file placed in srcdir (like Heroku Foreman)
  • ENC-friendly
  • Sane defaults which can be overriden


  • Application code by default is expected at /home/username/Sites/appname/base (customizable)
  • virtualenv by default is expected at /home/username/Sites/appname/venv (customizable)
  • for apps - gunicorn package is expected in virtualenv (add to your requirements.txt)
  • setproctitle package is optional in virtualenv
  • apps, workers and beats may reside on different nodes
  class { '::django':
    apps    => {
      polls => {
        user  => 'bob',

More complex example

  class { '::django':
    apps    => {
      polls => {
        user  => 'bob',
        bind  => '',
    workers => {
      worker1 => {
        user => 'bob',
        app  => 'polls',
    beats    => {
      polls => {
        user             => 'bob',
        schedule_db_file => '/home/users/bob/Sites/polls/run/beat-schedule',
        pidfile          => '/home/users/bob/Sites/polls/run/celerybeat.pid',
    packages => [
    users     => {
      bob => {
        comment => 'Polls app server user',
        home    => '/home/bob',
    keys      => {
      'developer-john-pubkey' => {
        key  => 'pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey',
        user => 'bob',
      'developer-alice-pubkey' => {
        key  => 'pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey-pubkey',
        user => 'bob',

Defaults can be overriden

  class { '::django':
    apps    => {
      testapp => {
        user               => 'jack',
        bind               => '',
        launcher_overrides => {
          srcdir          => '/srv/apps/testapp',
          virtualenv      => '/home/jack/.virtualenvs/testenv',
          settings_module => 'testapp.local_settings',

Suggested workflow

  • Declare django class in node definition
  • After puppet sets up users, keys and directories - create virtualenv in expected directory and deploy code in srcdir (see above example)

Multiple apps and multiple users are supported

  class { '::django':
    apps    => {
      app1 => {
        user        => 'bob',
        bind        => '',
        num_workers => 1,
      app2 => {
        user           => 'bob',
        bind           => '',
        wsgi_server    => 'custom',
        custom_command => 'fab runmyserver',
        log_level      => 'debug',
      app3 => {
        user  => 'jack',
        bind  => '',
      app4 => {
        user  => 'alreadyexistinguser',
        bind  => '',
    users     => {
      bob => {
        comment => 'app1 and app2 server user',
        home    => '/home/bob',
      jack => {
        comment => 'app3 server user',
        home    => '/home/jack',