still in works .. following build you own angularjs to make my own.. mainly in an effort to understand angular better and improve js skills.. any passersby please dont use it
think m done with the scope object
It passes following tests
can be constructed and used as an object
calls the listener function every time digest loop is called
watch function is called with scope as an argument
calls the listener function when the watch is dirty
triggers chained watchers in the same digest
gives up on watches after 10 iterations
ends the digest loop when last dirty watch is clean
compares values rather than just refs
eventually halts $evalAsyncs added by watches
executes $evalAsynced function later in the same cycle
has a $$phase field whose value is the current digest phase
schedules a digest in $evalAsync
allows async $apply with $applyAsync
never executes $applyAsync'ed function in the same cycle
coalesces many calls to $applyAsync
cancels and flushes $applyAsync if digested first
allows destroying a $watch with a removal function
allows destroying a $watch during digest
takes watches as an array and calls listener with arrays
takes group watches and the calls listener only once
inherits the properties of its parent scope
can watch a property in the parent
can be nested at any depth
does not digest the watch on parent
keeps a record of its children
digests its children
cannot watch parent attributes when isolated
digests its isolated children
digests from root on $apply when isolated
schedules a digest from root on $evalAsync when isolated
executes $evalAsync functions on isolated scopes
substitutes parent with another object
watches just like original watch
notices when an attribute is removed from an object
allows registering listeners
registers different listeners for every scope
calls listeners registered for matching events on $emit
passes an event object with name attr to $emit
passes the same event object
passes additional arguments to listeners on $emit
can be deregistered $emit
calls listeners registered for matching events on $broadcast
passes an event object with name attr to $broadcast
passes the same event object
passes additional arguments to listeners on $broadcast
can be deregistered $broadcast