
Learn how to write a Workers function and control the lights on a Raspberry Pi!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Workshop: Write a Cloudflare Workers function to manipulate LEDs on a Raspberry Pi

Shortened Link: https://git.io/fjiHy


If you're reading this, you're hopefully at a workshop. Today, we're going to write a Workers function to manipulate LEDs on a Raspberry Pi.


  1. Node.JS/npm or Rust/Cargo installed (to install Wrangler)
  2. A workers.dev subdomain

Getting started

Install Wrangler if you haven't already with npm i wrangler or cargo install wrangler (npm is recommended as it dispenses a precompiled Rust binary, while cargo builds the library on demand)

Run the following to clone the incomplete Workers function template and initialize your Wrangler project:

wrangler generate colorWorker https://github.com/nodebotanist/LED-Workers-Workshop.git

This will create a folder colorWorker in the directory you ran it in. cd into it and open index.js in your favorite code editor.

Creating a wrangler.toml

create a wrangler.toml file that contains the following:

name = "color"
type = "webpack"
private = false
account_id = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"

YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID can be obtained on the right side of the dashboard when you log in with the email you used to register for workers.dev.

API Endpoints

Accepts: a JSON object with either:

  • a color property that is any CSS color name
  • r, g, and b properties, all between 0-256, representing red, green, and blue values
  • h, s, and v properties; h between 0 and 364, s between 0 and 100, and v between 0 and 100, representing hue, saturation, and value.

Returns: A JWT signed with a secret and the color you sent in the payload

Required: an Authorization header with Bearer: and a JWT from the previous endpoint.

Places the color in the queue to be shown and returns a response of 200 if successful