
Allow the handling of Zephyr Shell with just some buttons.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This Zephyr module allows the usage of Zephyr shell with just some buttons. It does it by let you browse through the commands / arguments. The intension is to use it in the prototyping pase as a simple user interface for boards which have a small screen and a small number of buttons.

Instead of filter the shell input and output, which is what this module does, implementing it as part of the shell would made it more powerful.

Build & Run

It is assumed that you have a working Zepyr environment with ZEPHYR_BASE set. The code was tested with recent (3.2.99) head of Zephyr. You can clone this repository as freestanding aplication outside of the zephyr/zephyrproject tree.

$ cd shell-browser
$ west build app -t run