
Universal routing module for iOS / Android, designed for Redux based React Native applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

react-native-redux-routing v1.2.7

npm changelog

An exquisitely crafted routing component for Redux based React Native applications.

Providing a consistent user interface for both iOS and Android.


npm install -S react-native-redux-routing

Getting Started

Your Application.js should looks like below:

import React from 'react'
import { Platform } from 'react-native'

import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

import {
  actions as routerActions,
} from 'react-native-redux-routing'

import * as actionsA from './actions/actionsA'
import * as actionsB from './actions/actionsB'

import { SplashPage, MainPage } from './pages'

import ExtraDimensions from 'react-native-extra-dimensions-android'

export default connect(
  state => ({
    router: state.router,
    a: state.a,
    b: state.b,
  dispatch => ({
    actions: bindActionCreators({
    }, dispatch),
)(class extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const statusBarSize = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 20 : Platform.Version >= 23 ? ExtraDimensions.get('STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT') : 0
    const config = {
      renderNavigationView: () => <NavigationDrawer />,
      accentColor: '#C2185B',
      transparentStatusBar: true,
      statusBarStyle: 'light-content',
      statusBarSize // You have to specify the size of status bar manually
    return (
      <Router {...this.props} config={config} initialRoute="splash">
        <Route id="splash" component={SplashPage} immersive={true} />
        <Route id="main" component={MainPage} />


Component Properties

For the <Router/> element:

You must set the initialRoute property to get the router working.

You can set the config property to pass in your custom configurations.

For the <Route/> element:

You must set the id property which is unique to each route.

You must set the component property for which class should be rendered.

You can set the immersive property to true to hide the app bar (including navigation drawer).

State Properties

  • this.props.router.drawerOpen
  • this.props.router.navTitle
  • this.props.router.data
  • this.props.router.routes
  • this.props.router.appBarSize
  • this.props.router.transitioning


All router-provided actions starts with an underscore in order to prevent possible conflictions.

this.props.actions._navigate(routeId, options = {})

this.props.actions._navigate('settings') // Push the "settings" route to the routes stack
this.props.actions._navigate(-1) // Pop the last route in the routes stack
this.props.actions._navigate('home', { reset: true }) // Reset the routes stack and navigate to "home" route
this.props.actions._navigate('page-1', { sceneConfig: CustomConfig }) // Changing scene with custom animation
this.props.actions._navigate('page-2', { animated: false }) // Changing scene without animation
this.props.actions._navigate('another', { replace: true }) // Replace the current scene to new scene
this.props.actions._navigate('analytics', { data: someObject }) // Move to another scene and transferring data to it

this.props.actions._setNavAction(action = { renderer, handler })

  renderer: () => <Text>123</Text>, // Function that returns a React element
  handler: () => alert('clicked'), // Function that will triggers when the rendered element was pressed
this.props.actions._setNavAction(null) // Reset nav action


this.props.actions._setNavTitle('Page Title #' + 1) // Set the page title that shows on the app bar


this.props.actions._openDrawer() // Open the navigation drawer


this.props.actions._closeDrawer() // Close the navigation drawer

this.props.actions._addRouteListener(type, listener)

this.props.actions._addRouteListener('unload', () => 'Are you sure?') // Attach an `onUnload` listener for the current route
this.props.actions._addRouteListener('focus', () => 'Entered scene') // Attach an `onFocus` listener for the current route
this.props.actions._addRouteListener('blur', () => 'Leaved scene') // Attach an `onBlur` listener for the current route


this.props.actions._removeRouteListener('unload', listener) // `listener` must be the same one as you added to remove
this.props.actions._removeRouteListener('focus', listener) // `listener` must be the same one as you added to remove
this.props.actions._removeRouteListener('blur', listener) // `listener` must be the same one as you added to remove

The dispatchable actions are listed below:

import { types as routerTypes } from 'react-native-redux-routing'

  type: routerTypes.ROUTE_PUSH,
  options: {
    route: 'settings',
    sceneConfig: CustomConfig,

  type: routerTypes.ROUTE_POP,
  options: {
    sceneConfig: CustomConfig,

  type: routerTypes.ROUTE_REPLACE,
  options: {
    route: 'another',
    sceneConfig: CustomConfig,

  type: routerTypes.ROUTE_RESET,
  options: {
    route: 'settings',
    animated: false,

  type: routerTypes.SET_NAV_ACTION,
  renderer: rendererFunc,
  handler: handlerFunc,

  type: routerTypes.SET_NAV_TITLE,
  title: 'New Title',

  type: routerTypes.OPEN_DRAWER,

  type: routerTypes.CLOSE_DRAWER,

  type: routerTypes.ADD_BLUR_LISTENER,

  type: routerTypes.REMOVE_BLUR_LISTENER,

  type: routerTypes.ADD_FOCUS_LISTENER,

  type: routerTypes.REMOVE_FOCUS_LISTENER,

  type: routerTypes.ADD_UNLOAD_LISTENER,

  type: routerTypes.REMOVE_UNLOAD_LISTENER,


You can modify the default configuration for the router by passing config property into its properties.

The default configuration are listed below:

const defaultConfig = {
  renderNavigationView: () => null,
  accentColor: '#E0E0E0',
  transparentStatusBar: true,
  statusBarStyle: 'default',
  statusBarSize: 20,
Property Type Description
renderNavigationView Function Function that returns a React element.
accentColor String Sets the accent color of the application,
must be a solid color starting with #.
transparentStatusBar Boolean Indicates the status bar should be transparent. Android only.
statusBarStyle String Indicates the theme should be dark or light.
Enum: "default", "light-content"
statusBarSize Number Specify the size of the status bar.
Obtain yourself from other modules.

Setting up navigation drawer

The drawer layout uses react-native-drawer-layout module, you can setup your own navigation drawer view renderer by setting renderNavigationView property in the router config object.

render() {
  const config = {
    statusBarStyle: 'light-content',
    renderNavigationView: () => <NavigationDrawer />,
    accentColor: '#00695C',
  return (
    <Router {...this.props} config={config} initialRoute="calendar">

Adding navigation action dynamically

The example below shows how to adding a camera button dynamically:

componentWillMount() {
  this.props.actions._setNavTitle('Camera Roll')
    renderer: () => (
      <View style={{ alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row' }}>
        <Icon name='camera-alt' style={{ color: '#fff', fontSize: 24 }} />
    handler: () => {
      const date = new Date
      alert('Today is ' + date.toString())

Listening route focus / blur event

class extends React.Component {

  componentDidMount() {
    this.onSceneFocusListener = () => alert('This component is now focused from route stack!')
    this.onSceneBlurListener = () => alert('This component is now blurred from route stack!')
    this.props.actions._addRouteListener('focus', this.onSceneFocusListener)
    this.props.actions._addRouteListener('blur', this.onSceneBlurListener)

  componentWillUnmount() {
    this.props.actions._removeRouteListener('focus', this.onSceneFocusListener)
    this.props.actions._removeRouteListener('blur', this.onSceneBlurListener)
    // Alert message will not be shown again from now on


Confirm leaving route

class extends React.Component {

  state = { apples: 10 }

  componentDidMount() {
    this.onUnloadListener = () => {
      if (this.state.apples > 0) {
        return 'Are you sure you want to leave your apples?'
      // returning null will not prompt for confirmation
      return null
    this.props.actions._addRouteListener('unload', this.onUnloadListener)

  componentWillUnmount() {
    this.props.actions._removeRouteListener('unload', this.onUnloadListener)
    // Unload listener has been removed



You can theme your application easily by setting the accentColor property in the router config object.

The default value of statusBarStyle is "default" which indicates a light theme, change it to "light-content" for dark theme.


Thanks to react-native-drawer-layout and react-native-router-redux for their awesome work.