- 4
Platform-agnostic API example
#32 opened by jjrv - 13
ABI Stable API - milestones
#23 opened by mhdawson - 0
- 10
What is the progress of the Native API?
#15 opened by jinderek - 6
About JS API abstract
#17 opened by magicfish2007 - 5
- 5
- 1
ABI stable module ports
#30 opened by mhdawson - 1
Add Features: C++ interface
#29 opened by jinderek - 6
Is this the Addon API working group?
#18 opened by williamkapke - 19
Next API WG meeting (held Jul 14 2016)
#22 opened by mhdawson - 5
- 1
leveldown performance analysis
#25 opened by ianwjhalliday - 2
WebAssembly Considerations
#3 opened by trevnorris - 15
Next API WG Meeting
#16 opened by mhdawson - 10
Initial Javascript API definitions
#5 opened by obastemur - 9
Abstracting Data Types
#2 opened by obastemur - 4
Use cases for Node.js API
#6 opened by obastemur - 31
Establish a meeting
#8 opened by cjihrig - 18
- 8
Native modules API: the FFI approach
#10 opened by orangemocha - 2
API WG Meeting 2016-02-xx
#13 opened by pmuellr - 8
Node.js API WG Meeting 2015-11-19
#11 opened by pmuellr - 11
API WG Meeting 2015-10-23
#9 opened by pmuellr - 7
Use case for Chrome Apps
#1 opened by No9