This team aims to advance the state of the art in packaging Node.js applications as single standalone executables (SEAs) on all supported operating systems.
- 0x2b3bfa0@iterative
- 0xDones@NethermindEth
- 7rulnik@KosyanMedia
- Abdel-Monaam-Aouini@mispay-bnpl
- amukh1SleepyDevs
- ArturJS
- chenbimoSuiYi Tech
- Colgate13Egadnet
- dacbd@iterative
- Ddieguin
- DJviolinSystems administrator
- ErickWendel@ew-academy
- gatomod@dxc-technology
- ghoullier@rennesjs @ContentSquare
- hebertciscoHotBrains Tecnologia
- igorkamyshevAviasales @KosyanMedia
- jlucaso1At home
- jtoarSan Francisco
- krkAmazon Web Services
- liulingjun886SZ CHINA
- marcelo-michels@conta-simples
- mpoc@thedreamcorporation
- MuXiu1997
- mxschmitt@Microsoft
- NamedPythonprimeNumber Inc.
- Neos21Neo's World
- OmgImAlexis@unraid
- ovflowd@HubSpot
- r13vSpain
- simone-sanfratelloNearForm
- simonplendIndependent
- valtinhonf
- virtuoushub@redwoodjs
- VoltrexKeyva@nodejs @llvm @openjs-foundation
- xg-wang@Perplexity