
Gitlab Runner that auto registers on start and unregisters at stop based on environment

Primary LanguageShell

Gitlab Runner Auto Register

Created according to official doc with additional flags to enable auto registry with given url and token.

The default image needs additional step of executing script from outside of container which makes it hard to automate deployment.

Gitlab runner version

tag version
0.0.3 10.2.0
0.0.4-0.0.9 10.4.0

Running instructions

To run simply execute

docker run -d -e CI_SERVER_URL="https://gitlab.com/" \
   --name gitlab-runner \
   -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

To create runner that registres itself in more then one project set LOCKED_MODE to false and provide both ADMIN_TOKEN and PROJECTS_TO_REGISTER variables.


docker run -d -e "CI_SERVER_URL=https://gitlab.com/" \
   -e REGISTER_LOCKED="false" \
   --name gitlab-runner-testing \
   -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

To check logs and registration status use

docker logs gitlab-runner

To check registration details

docker exec -i gitlab-runner cat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml

Or register new runner

docker exec -i gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register

Environment Variables

Property Description Default value Required
CI_SERVER_URL url of gitlab instance true
REGISTRATION_TOKEN /settings/ci_cd tab of your project true
DOCKER_PRIVILEGED should you need to run in priviliged mode set to true (otherwise defaults to false) false false
REGISTER_LOCKED should this runner be locked to this project or not true false
ADMIN_TOKEN access token with admin privilages (if specified runner will be registered for projectsPROJECTS_TO_REGISTER) false
PROJECTS_TO_REGISTER project ids seperated by , or ; false
CUSTOM_RUNNER_NAME runner's description $HOSTNAME false
DOCKER_VOLUMES volume mounted by this runner false
DOCKER_IMAGE docker image to use docker:18.01.0-ce true
REGISTER_EXTRA_ARGS can contain extra arguments for running gitlab-runner register.
Can be used for example to specify multiple --docker-volumes args
RUNNER_TAG_LIST tags for given runner false

For more information about the the environment variables execute:

docker run --rm --entrypoint "/usr/bin/gitlab-runner" flakm/gitlab-runner-auto-register:latest register --help


Forked form https://github.com/pcodk/gitlab-runner-auto-register https://github.com/ayufan/gitlab-ci-multi-runner