
Git webhook agent for server auto-deployment as a PaaS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Git webhook deploy agent with sudo support

For sysadmins simply setup a post hook agent on server to deploy git projects like PaaS from your using third-party git service.



  • node version >= 0.12.0
  • PM2 installed in global: sudo npm install -g pm2

On your server

$ sudo npm install -g hookagent

After installed you can use this commands to start the agent:

$ sudo hookagent config
$ sudo su -c "hookagent start" # start the process as root

Get ready your repository

Additional things about git you should make sure:

  • Project repository alread cloned once from 3rd-party git service.

  • All repository files(folders) is own by the specific user(s) you configured in the config file (/etc/hookagent.json, see below).

  • Within the user, the ssh-key has been generated (no password), and set as deploy key in 3rd-party git service.

  • The ssh-key has been used at least once, to make sure it has been add to the list of known hosts of the service.

Post hook

Set a git post hook in the admin panel of your repository like this:

  • user:password is reqired part in post URL. The agent will check the request with HTTP basic authentication to avoid mistake request.

  • 6060 as port is set in the config, you can change it as you wish.

  • /project/:id is the router, @remote/branch is optional default to origin/master. If branch (or with remote) is set in hook URL, the part after @ should be exactly match the config (see below). extraArg can be passed to router


Before start the agent first time, run hookagent config to generate a config file named hookagent.json in /etc folder, maybe need sudo prefix.

Here is a sample of configuration structure:

    // The HTTP listening port
    "port": 6060,
    // Default remote will be used if not set in post request
    "defaultRemote": "origin",
    // Default branch which will be updated when not set in post request
    "defaultBranch": "master",

    // Projects map. ID: object
    "projects": {
        "sample": {
            // branch
            "origin/master/extraArg": {
                // Project path
                "path": "/var/www/sample",

                // Task to be run after git pull, such as build etc.
                // "shell": "./build.sh",
                // run scirpt with sudo -H -u $user -g $group
                // "sudo": true

                // Users in list allow to trigger deploy
                "users": ["abc"]
            "dev": {
                "path": "/var/www/test",
                "users": ["abc"]

    // Users list for HTTP basic authentication. ID: password
    // Each user ID should match server user name.
    "users": {
        "abc": "ba1f2511fc30423bdbb183fe33f3dd0f"
    //Group name for deploy tasks
    "group": ["www-data"]

Make sure that when using different branches in one project, the path of branch shouldn't be same on one server. This is just for different usage (such as testing) base on branch mapping.

Once the config file generated, run the hookagent config will open the content with vim.


  • Add logger.
  • Add Github and Bitbucket post data parsing to avoid none updated pulling.
  • Add admin panel using basic authentication.
  • Use SQLite or other database to manage config data.
  • Add RSA authentication instead of basic HTTP.

MIT Licensed