
JavaScript library that provides pipe functions for Nest.js application.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm install --save @nodeteam/nestjs-pipes


// import pipes
import { WherePipe, OrderByPipe } from '@nodeteam/nestjs-pipes';
// import types
import { Pipes } from '@nodeteam/nestjs-pipes/index';


@Query('orderBy', OrderByPipe) orderBy?: Pipes.Order,


  • Sort the rows by the column firstName in ascending order

Test case:

  it('should convert value like "name:asc, address:desc" to { name: "asc", address: "desc" }', () => {
    const value = 'name:asc, address:desc';
    const result = pipe.transform(value);
      address: 'desc',
      name: 'asc',


Operators realized:

in - where=zipCode: in array(11111, 22222)

lt - where=age: lt int(12)

lt - where=age: lt int(12)

lte - where=age: lte int(12)

gt - where=age: gt int(12)

gte - where=age: gte int(12)

equals - where=age: equals int(12)

not - where=age: not int(12)

contains - where=firstName: contains string(John) or where=firstName: contains John

startsWith - where=firstName: startsWith string(John) or where=firstName: startsWith John

endsWith - where=firstName: endsWith string(John) or where=firstName: endsWith John

every - where=firstName: every string(John) or where=firstName: every John

some - where=firstName: some string(John) or where=firstName: some John

none - where=firstName: none string(John) or where=firstName: none John

OR - where=OR:[ firstName: contains Jhon, lastName: contains Doe]

Where types realized:

string - where=firstName: contains string(John)

int - where=age: gt int(12)

float - where=age: gt float(12.5)

boolean - where=active: equals boolean(true)

bool - where=active: equals boolean(true)

date - where=createdAt: gt date(2019-01-01)

datetime - where=createdAt: gt datetime(2019-01-01 12:00:00)

array - where=zipCode: in array(int(111111), int(222222))

@Query('where', WherePipe) where?: Pipes.Where


  • Select all the rows where the column firstName is equal to John
  • Select all the rows where createdAt is greater than 2023-01-13 12:04:27.689
https://example.com/?where=createdAt: gt date(2023-01-13 12:04:27.689)
  • Select all rows where id is not equal to 1
https://example.com/?where=id: not int(12)
  • Select all rows where id is greater than 1 and email contains @gmail.com
https://example.com/?where=id: gt int(1), email: contains @gmail.com
  • Select all rows where ids are 1, 2 or 3 or age is 18
https://example.com/?where=OR:[id: in array(1,2,3), age: int(18)]
  • Select all rows where the user's email contains @gmail.com.
https://example.com/?where=user.email: contains @gmail.com
  • Select all users whose firstName contains Admin but exclude users whose roles are CUSTOMER.
https://example.com/?where=profile.firstName: contains Admin, NOT: roles: hasSome CUSTOMER
  • Select user who has the email super-admin@gmail.com or verified users but exclude user whose email contains test@gmail.com.
https://example.com/?where=OR:[ email: contains super-admin@gmail.com, isVerified: equals boolean(true) ],  NOT: email: contains sendgridupboost@gmail.com

WherePipe vs OrderByPipe


  • Select all the rows where the column firstName is equal to John and sort the rows by the column firstName in ascending order

Test case:

  it('should parse "OR" with array values from string "OR:[id:in array(int(1),int(2),int(3)), user: contains Jhon]"', () => {
    const string =
      "OR:[id:in array(int(1),int(2),int(3)), user: contains Jhon]";

      OR: [
          id: {
            in: [1, 2, 3]
          user: {
            contains: "Jhon"


@Query('select', SelectPipe) select?: Pipes.Select


  • Select the columns firstName and lastName
  • Exclude the columns firstName and lastName

Test case:

  it('should transform string user like { user:true }', () => {
    const value = 'user';

    const result = pipe.transform(value);

      user: true,