Server is runs with 'Express' package. I used '3 Layered Architecture' type for folders structure.
- Presentation layer (should takes only request and response, no business logic here)
- Business Logic Layer (store all logics here, no intraction with database)
- Data Access Layer (all database queryies here)
src/config - storing default env variables
src/data-access - intraction with writing file and upload to S3
src/loaders - consisted of logger function and S3 client
src/models - validation of client request model using Joi
src/routers - HTTP Routers
src/services - business logic
src/utils - reusable functions
Takes Figma URL file and token and returns JSON file
Method - POST
Body: {
"token": "string",
"url": "string"
- Response: { "url": "" }
- All files file saves to 'tempFiles' folder, after uploading it will be deleted locally.
- I used 'Minio' package as S3 object. It is exactly same as AWS S3. Currently, I don't have AWS account, so I used Minio locally.
- Read buffer from Figma API, upload to S3 with buffer method
- Check bucket is exits, if not create bucket
- Add Swagger using 'swagger-ui-express'