
Some convalescent plasma escape entries also mention vaccinee plasma

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Split these out, from S_convalescent_plasma_escape.txt:

# Artificially constructed HIV-1 pseudovirus with set of mutations drawn from plasma passage escape experiments
# shows ablated neutralization efficacy (NT50 ~ 0) in two of 21 convalescents plasma collected mean 1.3 months post infection.
# Greater than 4-fold reduction was observed in most of the other plasma. 14 vaccinee plasma showed a slightly lower
# reduction in efficacy, albeit from a higher average starting point titre than convalescents.
# Schmidt et al. (2021) [Preprint (BioRxiv); Now published at:]

# Artificially constructed HIV-1 pseudovirus with set of mutations drawn from plasma passage escape experiments
# shows ablated neutralization efficacy (NT50 ~ 0) in two of 21 convalescents plasma collected mean 1.3 months post infection.
# Greater than 4-fold reduction was observed in most of the other plasma. 14 vaccinee plasma showed a slightly lower
# reduction in efficacy, albeit from a higher average starting point titre than convalescents.
# Schmidt et al. (2021) [Preprint (BioRxiv); Now published at:]