
Code First Girls: Final project of the course, a super-curricular logbook for 12-15 year olds

Primary LanguageRuby

#Sclogs - Discovering Super-Curriculars

##Code First: Girls Final Project

###The app

My project represents an online space for 12-15 year olds to discover super-curricular activities and keep a record of ones that they take part in. The aim is to introduce young secondary school students to the idea of going beyond the school syllabus to learn new things and develop new interests that will serve them well when applying to university and beyond.

By keeping track of their super-curricular activities, students can refer back to ideas they've discovered, develop them, and share with their friends and family.

###Other details

The project is based in Rails. I began by setting up a static page framework in Rails, before incorporating a blog controller. Hence, the first thing I had to learn was how to work with the two different frameworks and how to integrate them.

After putting up some initial content, I then set up a user login system using Devise. The most difficult part was working out how to make Sclog posts private, such that users could only see their posts when they logged in and not everybody else's. I also had to discover how to put in some security measures to prevent users from discovering Sclog posts that they hadn't authored.