
Branch-and-Bound framework for the Minimum Spanning Tree Min-Max Regret problem

Primary LanguageC++

Branch-and-Bound Framework for the Minimum Spanning Tree Min-Max Regret problem

This framework is an implementation in C++ to solve the Min-Max Regret Problem with several scenarios in undirected graphs. For each scenario individually, a Minimum Spanning Tree, in a custom Prim implementation, is solved to obtain the best value. Then, it is applied the Branch-and-Bound technique by enumerating all possible Spanning Trees, with DFS in the branching and two possible bounds to cut possible solutions that will not provably be better than the best found so far.

This is composed by several folders:

  • B&B: This contains the source, headers and binaries for my custom implementation.
  • boost_prim: This contains an implementation using the Prim algorithm in the Boost Library.
  • generated: In this folder, there are the test cases and the python script to generate them.
  • generic: This contains an implementation of the Pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the Min-Max Regret by Aissi et al.
  • prim: This contains the custom prim implementation alone.


This folder is composed by:

  • A makefile
  • A bin folder containing the binary
  • A lib folder containing the headers
  • A src folder containing the source

The makefile has several debug flags (DEBUG_FLAGS), a result flag (RESULT_BB), a sort of the values flag (SORT), a thread flag (THREAD), an initial solution for the Branch-and-Bound (INITIAL), several initial solutions (INITIAL_W), and a flag for the bounds implemented (BOUNDS).

To compile, it is only necessary to choose the intended flags and run the following commands:

make clean

Then, to execute, from this folder:

./bin/main < ../generated/generated_test_file.txt

where generated_test_file.txt is the file generated.


This folder contains the C++ implementation of the Prim algorithm using the Boost Library.

To compile and execute, it is only necessary to replace the test file in the run.sh file.

To execute, just run:

sh run.sh


This contains an script in Python3 of the test cases generator.

To execute, just run:

python3 generate_connected_graph.py A B [C D [E [F]]]

where, A is the number of nodes in the graph, B is the number of scenarios, C is the minimum possible value in each edge, D is the maximum possible value in each edge, E defines a file part, and F defines a uniform probability too generate an edge.

This generator uses the NumPy Library for the random generator.

To install it, just run:

sudo -H pip install numpy


This folder contains the implementation of the Pseudo-polynomial algorithm proposed by Aissi et al.

To compile, just run:

make clean

And to execute, just run:

./generic < ../generated/generated_test_file.txt

where generated_test_file.txt is the file generated.

This implementation uses the GiNaC Library.


This folder contains the custom implementation of the Prim algorithm.

To compile, just run:

make clean

And to execute, just run:

./prim < ../generated/generated_test_file.txt

where generated_test_file.txt is the file generated.