
Este projeto é uma calculadora de IMC (Índice de Massa Corporal) desenvolvida em Dart usando o framework Flutter.

Primary LanguageC++

Calculadora de IMC

This is a basic Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator app built with Flutter.


  • Calculates BMI based on weight and height
  • User can input their name for personalized results

How to use the app

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Ensure you have Flutter installed and configured on your development machine (https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install).
  3. Open the project in your preferred code editor.
  4. Run the app using flutter run.

Understanding the Code

The code consists of three main classes:

  • MyApp: This class sets up the MaterialApp widget, which is the root widget of the app.
  • MyHomePage: This class manages the state of the app's UI elements.
  • Pessoa: This class represents a person with properties for name, weight, and height. It also includes a method to calculate BMI.




  • This is a simple example and does not provide any medical interpretation of BMI results.
  • For health and safety reasons, it's recommended to consult a healthcare professional for guidance on interpreting BMI.


Pull requests are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines (create a CONTRIBUTING.md file if you don't have one yet).