
A tool for reporting host IP and client connection status en masse. Output curated with minimal noise specifically for follow-on use.

Primary LanguagePowerShellOtherNOASSERTION

IPRes_v1 - README File

A tool for reporting host IP and client connection status en masse. Output curated with minimal noise specifically for follow-on use.

To Run: cd to directory containing IPres.ps1 (\IPRes by default), then run .\IPRes.ps1 with the following argument:

  • Filepath of file containing list of hostnames.

Example: PS C:\IPRes> .\IPRes.ps1 .\hostnames.txt

Passing "-help" will display these instructions in the console.

Example: PS C:> .\IPRes.ps1 -help

Check \data\dns for resolved IPs and unresolved hostnames. Check \data\pings successful and failed ping reports, formatted with hostnames and IPs. Check \reports for full reports.

*** NOTE: running IPRes.ps1 will clear files in "data" directory ***