
Everything's near you !

Team Name : Spartans

Collaborators : Noel Aby Das , Vedansh Agarwal, Abhijeet Mathur

Event : Dotslash hackathon

Ever stuck in a dilemma when you are in urgent need of something but fail to get one. Well ! 'shareMate' does the job for you there !


Creating your request

  • The user sign in to his account.

  • He generates a request which passes on to all the members connected with us from the same locality.

  • The rest of the process goes as explained below.

Dealing with others' request

  • The user connects with shareMate by creating an account on it.

  • Successful registration redirects the user to a page where he has the list of all the requests which have been requested by other users.

  • It is upto the user to accept or delete the request.

  • If the user accepts the request, a notification will be sent to the generator of that request.

  • Both the particiants interact with each other using the contact details available on both the sides.

  • If the deal suits the generator, he approves the request and the request gets deleted from the main database.

  • The more you help, the higher you score.

How to run


  1. You need to have nodeJs(which usually comes with npm) installed in your pc. Follow the instructions on google.
  2. To check whether node and npm is installed succesfully, open your terminal and enter :
$ node --version
$ npm --version
  • node version > 6 and npm version > 5 are recommended.

Getting the repository

Inside your terminal, run :

$ git clone

Then enter the project folder using :

$ cd shareMate

To install the required node modules, type :

$ npm install

Running the app

While inside the repo's base folder (shareMate), run :

$ node index.js

This would run the web server on port 3000 (http://localhost:3000/).

Enjoy :)