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Public Servants' Prayer Website

Production Installation Instructions:

Set hostname:

echo "publicservantsprayer.org" > /etc/hostsname

Upgrade packages:

aptitude update && aptitude upgrade

Install public key, delete root password


Install curl

apt-get -y install curl

Install Ruby via this script: https://gist.github.com/3949650

curl -L https://gist.github.com/raw/3949650/682b20dbb724f05b4d3d965a42dc359ebf623fb8/install-ruby | bash

Install nginx, postgres and nodejs

aptitude -y install nginx postgresql libpq-dev nodejs

Set up a postgres user

sudo -u postgres createuser -s -P psp

Create a less privileged user 'deployer'

adduser deployer --ingroup sudo

Switch to deployer user

su deployer

Attempt to connect to github and say 'yes' when asked to continue. This adds githubs host key. Expect permission denied error.

ssh git@github.com

Create ssh key pair (no passphrase, just hit enter)


View and copy paste public key into github admin interface as a 'deploy key'

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Back on the dev server, cross fingers and run capistrano

cap deploy:setup

If everything goes ok, you'll be instructed to edit shared files on the production server

vim /home/deployer/apps/psp/shared/config/database.yml
vim /home/deployer/apps/psp/shared/config/initializers/mail_chimp.rb

Back on dev server do a cold deploy

cap deploy:cold

Back on production server, remove default nginx site and start

rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

service nginx start

Development - how to get the specs running

Set up a clean Ubuntu 12.04 dev machine

Install curl

apt-get -y install curl

Install Ruby via this script: https://gist.github.com/3949650

curl -L https://gist.github.com/raw/3949650/682b20dbb724f05b4d3d965a42dc359ebf623fb8/install-ruby | bash

Install postgres and nodejs

aptitude -y install postgresql libpq-dev nodejs

Set up a postgres user

sudo -u postgres createuser -s -P psp

Copy example config files

cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
cp config/initializers/mail_chimp.example.rb config/initializers/mail_chimp.rb

Edit them filling in appropriate values

vim config/database.yml
vim config/initializers/mail_chimp.rb

Run Bundler

bundle install

Then run guard

bundle exec guard

The first time you run the tests they will be quite slow as they are actually hitting the APIs. After that, VCR will kick in and replay the http responses so it doen't need to hit the network - making it much faster.

Use Unicorn to run a local dev server
