
🖍 Yet another color converter tool - HEX, RGB, HSL, HWB, HSV, CMYK, LAB, feColorMatrix

Primary LanguageJavaScript

yet another color converter

Known Vulnerabilities Total alerts Language grade: JavaScript

Convert HEX, RGB, HSL, HWB, HSV, CMKYK, LAB color models plus feColorMatrix’s values.




Start dev server on port 8080 with livereload watching files on the src folder

npm install
npm start

SVG sprite

If you need to add a new .svg files to the svg sprite located after the body tag:

  • Place your .svg’s files on the src/assets/svg folder
  • Make sure you have svg-sprite installed, e.i.: npm i -g svg-sprite
  • Run npm script npm run svg
    • That should generate a new file at src/assets/svg-sprite-symbol/svg/sprite.symbol.svg (ignored by .gitignore’s rule)
  • Copy the contents of that file and replace the svg line after the body 🙈


npm run build