
A compiler for the Logo programming language featuring extensions for navigations in three-dimensional space (more detail below...)

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


A compiler for the Logo programming language featuring language extensions for navigations in three-dimensional space. The compiler takes a logo3d program string and outputs a collection of colored lines defined in terms of their X, Y, & Z coordinates.

The compiler is provided as 'headless' - it is hoped that developers with UI expertise can provide application front ends and GL acceleration appropriate for each target platform. However, to demonstrate the power of Logo3d the project does contain a simple DemoVisualizer along with three predefined programs:





The following dependencies are needed to build the project and run the demo application.

  • Java, version 11+
  • Maven

Running the demo application

The demo application is run from the downloaded/cloned project directory, i.e. the directory containing pom.xml.

To compile & run the demo application:

mvn compile exec:java

The demo application runs GRID_SPHERE from the predefined programs. An alternative program, or custom program string, can be specified here.

Running the tests

The project contains unit tests, static analysis tests (SpotBugs), code coverage tests (JaCoCo) and code style tests (Checkstyle). To run all, specify:

mvn verify

Verification will fail if any test(s) fail. Code coverage thresholds are set at 90% for both line and branch coverage. The code coverage report is written to target/site/jacoco/index.html

Checkstyle is used to enforce the Sun coding conventions, see: checkstyle.xml

Key implementation classes

Class Responsibility
Tokenizer Splits a Logo3d program defined as a single string into its constituent tokens, e.g. "make x=x+1" becomes ["make", "x", "=", "x", "+", "1"].
Instruction Operations that can be performed as part of a Logo3d program, e.g. MoveForward, TurnLeft, SetColor, Make and Repeat.
Parameter An input to a Logo3d Instruction. Example parameters are simple (e.g. NumericConstant), dynamic (e.g. Pick), compound (e.g. Expression) or variable (e.g. VariableReference).
Result The realtime value of a Parameter when evaluated at runtime. Results may either be of type NumericResult or ColorResult, both of which can be combined with results of the same type using mathematical operators.
Program The representation of all the Instructions and their bound Parameters that constitute a Logo3d program.
Procedure A named sub-program defined within a Logo3d program.
State A store for recording the current value of any VariableReference parameters. The state observes correct scoping rules, i.e. variables defined within a Procedure or Repeat body exist independently of variables of the same name defined in the wider Program.
Turtle An entity which is manipulated within three dimensional space while recording the positions of traversed lines.
LogoCompiler The process orchestrator. Constructs all entities and runs a built Program with a fresh State and Turtle.


Concept, design & implementation by Noel Evans


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.
