
Eleventy plugin that adds support for Vento templates

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eleventy-plugin-vento 🌬️🎈🐀

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An Eleventy plugin that adds support for Vento templates.


Plugin Options
Vento Plugins
Auto-Trimming Tags
JavaScript Helpers
Hybrid Rendering


npm install eleventy-plugin-vento


This plugin is ESM only and cannot be required from CommonJS. As such, it's best used with Eleventy v3.0.0.

If you're using CommonJS and loading it asynchronously (ie await import), you will need at minimum Eleventy v1.0.0 which added support for Custom Templates.

In your Eleventy config:

import { VentoPlugin } from 'eleventy-plugin-vento';

export default function (eleventyConfig) {

Plugin Options

This plugin ships with default options out of the box, but you can pass an options object to your addPlugin call to configure things further. The below example shows the configurable options as well as their defaults.

import { VentoPlugin } from 'eleventy-plugin-vento';

export default function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(VentoPlugin, {
    // An array of Vento plugins to load
    plugins: [],

    // Define whether Javascript Functions should be added
    // to page data. See below for usage notes on this.
    addHelpers: true,

    // Define tags that should be trimmed, or set to true
    // to trim the default tags (see section on Auto-trimming)
    trimTags: [],

    // A Vento configuration object
    ventoOptions: {
      includes: '...', // defaults to the Eleventy 'includes' directory
      autoescape: false,

View the full list of options to pass as a Vento Configuration object (as ventoOptions).


Filters that are added using Eleventy's .addFilter() or .addAsyncFilter() methods will be automatically loaded into Vento. Since Vento filters and Eleventy filters follow the same syntax for filters (content as first argument), the implementation is 1:1.

More information about Vento filters

More information about Eleventy filters

Vento Plugins

If you'd like to extend the Vento library with any plugins, include them in an array passed to the plugins option.

import { VentoPlugin } from 'eleventy-plugin-vento';

function myCustomPlugin() {
  // ...plugin code...

export default function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(VentoPlugin, {
    plugins: [myCustomPlugin()],

Auto-Trimming Tags

One exception to Vento plugins is the autoTrim plugin which is bundled with Vento, and by extension, this plugin. This plugin provides a convenient way to control whitespace in the output by collapsing spaces left behind when Vento's tags are removed.

To trim the default tags, set the trimTags plugin option to true.

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(VentoPlugin, {
  trimTags: true,

The default set of tags that are trimmed are defined by Vento and are listed in the usage notes for the auto trim plugin. To set your own tags, set trimTags to an array instead.

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(VentoPlugin, {
  trimTags: ['set', 'if', 'for'],

If instead, you'd like to extend instead of replace the default tag list, eleventy-plugin-vento reexports the defaultTags array used by as ventoDefaultTrimTags, which can be used like so:

import { VentoPlugin, ventoDefaultTrimTags } from 'eleventy-plugin-vento';

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(VentoPlugin, {
  trimTags: [...ventoDefaultTrimTags, 'tag'],

For more information on the auto-trim plugin, consult the plugin documentation.

JavaScript Helpers

Vento can run arbitrary JavaScript in templates through its {{> ...}} operator, which evaluates at the time the template is run. However, you may want to use Eleventy Shortcodes and Filters in your templates as well.

By setting addHelpers in the plugin options (defaults to true), all JavaScript functions (which includes any Universal Shortcodes) are exposed as functions in page data. This feature functions very similarly to WebC's "helper functions" feature.

As an example:

export default function (eleventyConfig) {
  // via Universal Filter...
  eleventyConfig.addFilter('italicize', (content) => `<em>${content}</em>`);

  // ...or via Universal Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addShortcode('greeting', (name) => `My name is ${name}`);

  // ...or via JavaScript Template Function
  eleventyConfig.addJavaScriptFunction('possumPosse', () => 'Release the possums!!!');
<p>This is something {{ italicize('really') }} important.</p>
<p>{{ possumPosse() }}</p>

<!-- renders as: -->

<p>This is something <em>really</em> important.</p>
<p>Release the possums!!!</p>

Alternatively, if you'd rather keep functions namespaced in your page data, pass a string to addHelpers. Your functions will be namespaced under this property name in page data.

addPlugin(VentoPlugin, { addHelpers: 'functions' });
<!-- With the above, this: -->
<p>This is something {{ italicize('really') }} important.</p>
<p>{{ possumPosse() }}</p>

<!-- should be written as: -->
<p>This is something {{ functions.italicize('really') }} important.</p>
<p>{{ functions.possumPosse() }}</p>

Finally, if you'd like to disable populating helper functions at all, set addHelpers to false:

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(VentoPlugin, {
  addHelpers: false,

Hybrid Rendering

Exclusive to this plugin is the ability to skip processing a vento tag entirely and instead preserve the tag in the markup. This could be useful if you're doing some hybrid rendering and would like to defer certain tags from being processed until load time, so they can be rendered on the server.

To skip over a tag, add a ! directly after the opening tag.

<!-- This: -->
{{! doSomeServerSideStuff() }}

<!-- Renders as: -->
{{ doSomeServerSideStuff() }}

Works with JS expressions too:

{{!> 2 + 2 }}

<!-- Renders as: -->
{{> 2 + 2 }}

The Vento language offers similar functionality via the echo tag which works great for blocks, but can be verbose for 1-off tags.

Consider the following:

{{ echo }}
  <!-- Will be preserved in output -->
  {{ if someCondition }}
    <p>{{ getServerData }}</p>
{{ /echo }}

    <!-- Can't render this without exiting and re-entering echo -->
    <p>Page built on: {{ localBuildTime }}</p>

{{ echo }}
  {{ /if }}
{{ /echo }}

Rather than having to do multiple {{ /echo }} ... {{ echo }} statements, the previous can be rewritten as such:

<!-- This: -->
{{! if someCondition }}
  <p>{{! getServerData }}</p>

  <p>Page built on: {{ localBuildTime }}</p>
{{! /if }}

<!-- Renders as: -->
{{ if someCondition }}
  <p>{{ getServerData }}</p>

  <p>Page built on: 04-08-2024</p>
{{ /if }}