
CsvImporter is a command line tool that takes a CSV file and imports it into a SQL database.

Primary LanguageC#



CsvImporter is a command line tool that takes a CSV file and imports it into a SQL database.

Currently, it is only available for Postgres and MySQL, but I plan to make it work for SQL Server.

Using the SSIS functionality in SSMS, one can easily import a CSV into SQL Server. Doing so with other RDBMSes is a pain, so I created this project.


  • Imports CSV into RDBMes
  • Creates the table at the destination if desired
  • Truncates table at the destination if desired
  • Infers types
  • Works with Postgres and MySQL
  • Cross-platform (using .NET/Mono)


This imports a file called test1.csv to a localhost server. It will create the destination table (-c) and it will use the first row as the header names (-H).

csv-importer.exe -d csv_importer -u csv_importer -W csv_importer \
-e postgres -f test1.csv -c -H


CSV importer is currently in five parts.

  • CsvImporter - the library portion of the project
  • CsvImporter.Tests - tests for the library
  • CsvImporter.CommandLine - the frontend, command line tool
  • CsvImporter.CommandLine.Tests - the tests for the front end (unit tests)
  • SimpleTable - a small project for a table data structure (see that project's README.md for more details)


GPLv2. Please see the LICENSE file in each project for the full version.