
Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) SDK for Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift SDK for Microsoft's Debug Adapter Protocol

Note: Still in alpha development - features are incomplete!

User Guide

This is the most basic way to use the provided DebugAdapter. .start() tells the adapter to start listening to incoming DAP messages from the input passed into the DebugAdapter's constructor.

import DebugAdapterProtocol

let input = FileHandle.standardInput
let output = FileHandle.standardOutput

DebugAdapter(input, output).start()

At this point, the only thing it'll do is listen to DAP messages and parse them, but it does not do anything about them. So, you'll have to implement a ProtocolMessageHandler to handle these messages.

class ExampleHandler: ProtocolMessageHandler {
  func handle(message: ProtocolMessage) {
    // do something about the incoming message

You can pass a factory method to create your message handler into the DebugAdapter as such:

DebugAdapter(input, output)
  .withMessageHandler { sender in ExampleHandler(...) }

The sender argument in the factory method is a ProtocolMessageSender, which is basically a function that takes in a ProtocolMessage and sends it via the DebugAdapter. You'll probably need this in your ProtocolMessageHandler if you want to respond to requests.

Full Example

import DebugAdapterProtocol

class MessageHandler: ProtocolMessageHandler {
  let send: ProtocolMessageSender

  init(_ send: ProtocolMessageSender) {
    self.send = send

  func handle(message: ProtocolMessage) {
    switch message {
    case .request(seq: let seq, request: let request):
      send(.response(seq: seq, response: /* ... */))

main() {
  DebugAdapter(input, output)
    .withMessageHandler { sender in MessageHandler(sender) }