
A chatbot to track tasks. Built for CS2103T: Software Engineering Module

Primary LanguageJava




Duke is a desktop app to track and manage tasks easily. Built for CS2103T: Software Engineering Module.


1. Add Tasks

Add different types of tasks to a task list to easily track them. Task types:

  • Todos - Tasks with no completion date
  • Events - Tasks to be completed on a certain dare
  • Deadline - Tasks to be completed by a cetain date

2. View Tasks

View all the tasks in the task list.

3. Mark as Completed

Mark a task as completed based on the task number.

4. Delete Tasks

Remove tasks from the task list once tracking is not required.

5. Sort Tasks

Sort the task list alphabetically based on the task description.

6. Find Tasks

Search for tasks from the task list based on a keyword.


Feature Command Format Example Expected Outcome
Add Todo Task todo <description> todo read book
Add Event Task event <description> /at <YYYY-MM-DD> event seminar /at 2021-03-04
Add Deadline Task deadline <description> /at <YYYY-MM-DD> deadline assignment /by 2021-02-28
View Tasks list list
Mark as Completed done <task_number> done 1
Delete Tasks delete <task_number> delete 2
Sort Tasks sort sort
Find Tasks find <keyword> find book

Setting up in Intellij

Prerequisites: JDK 11, update Intellij to the most recent version.

  1. Open Intellij (if you are not in the welcome screen, click File > Close Project to close the existing project dialog first)
  2. Set up the correct JDK version, as follows:
    1. Click Configure > Structure for New Projects and then Project Settings > Project > Project SDK
    2. If JDK 11 is listed in the drop down, select it. If it is not, click New... and select the directory where you installed JDK 11
    3. Click OK
  3. Import the project into Intellij as follows:
    1. Click Open or Import.
    2. Select the project directory, and click OK
    3. If there are any further prompts, accept the defaults.
  4. After the importing is complete, locate the src/main/java/Launcher.java file, right-click it, and choose Run Launcher.main(). If the setup is correct, the GUI should open.