
A kivy mixin behavior that adds long/right/middle/double click/press/scroll to any kivy widget

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Button Extra Behavior

The ButtonExtraBehavior mixin class adds the following features to the normal Button behavior:


  • Long press: An on_long_press event is emitted after a customizable long_time.

  • Right click: An on_right_click event is emitted when pressing the mouse's right button.

  • Middle click: An on_middle_click event is emitted when pressing the mouse's middle (scroll) button.

  • Double click: An on_double_click event is emitted if a second click (tap) occurs inside a customizable double_time. This is disabled by default.

  • Scroll Up: An on_scroll_up event is emitted when the mouse wheel scrolls up.

  • Scroll Down: An on_scroll_up event is emitted when the mouse wheel scrolls down.


You can combine this class with a Button for a button that has everything, or with the ButtonBehavior and other widgets, like an Image or even Layouts, to provide alternative buttons that have Kivy button+extra behavior.

The ButtonExtraBehavior must be before ButtonBehavior or Button in a kivy mixin.

Because of the small delay that is added to the single click when active (equal to double_time), the "Double click" is disabled by default.

ScrollView handles touch_down/touch_up in a special way.
That's why we need to set a scroll_timeout (about the same as the ScrollView.scroll_timeout ) if we want to use ButtonExtraBehavior inside one of those.
scroll_timeout is needed only if we also want to use "Double Click".

  • long_time - Minimum time that a click/press must be held, to be registered as a long press.
    long_time is a float and defaults to 0.25.

  • double_time - Maximum time for a second click/tap to be registered as double click.
    double_time is a float and defaults to 0.2.

  • double_click_enabled - Enables the double click detection. This introduces a delay to the on_touch_down emission in the case of a single click.
    double_click_enabled is a bool and defaults to False.

  • scroll_timeout - Timeout that is needed if we use ButtonExtraBehavior inside a ScrollView widget.
    Must be the same (or about the same) as the ScrollView.scroll_timeout value.
    Needed only if double_click_enabled is True.


The following example adds the ButtonExtraBehavior to a Button and to an Image. You can try the different clicking by looking at the top Label.

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.image import Image
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.lang import Builder
from button_extra_behavior import ButtonExtraBehavior

    orientation: "vertical"
        id: label
        size_hint_y: 3
        text: "Try the different type of clicks on the Button and the Image"
        size_hint_y: 7
            text: "Button"
            double_click_enabled: True
            on_press: root.change_state(self, "Button press")
            on_release: root.change_state(self, "Button release")
            on_long_press: root.change_state(self, "Long press!")
            on_right_click: root.change_state(self, "Right click!")
            on_middle_click: root.change_state(self, "Middle click!")
            on_double_click: root.change_state(self, "Double click!")
            on_scroll_up: root.change_state(self, "Scroll up!")
            on_scroll_down: root.change_state(self, "Scroll down!")
            source: "data/logo/kivy-icon-256.png"
            double_click_enabled: True
            on_long_press: root.change_state(self, "Long press!")
            on_right_click: root.change_state(self, "Right click!")
            on_middle_click: root.change_state(self, "Middle click!")
            on_double_click: root.change_state(self, "Double click!")
            on_scroll_up: root.change_state(self, "Scroll up!")
            on_scroll_down: root.change_state(self, "Scroll down!")

class Base(BoxLayout):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Base, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.popup = Popup()

    def change_state(self, widget, text):
        kind = "Button" if isinstance(widget, Button) else "Kivy Image"
        self.ids.label.text = ("Last click was on the {} and it was a {}"
                               .format(kind, text))

class MyExtraButton(ButtonExtraBehavior, Button):

class MyExtraImageButton(ButtonExtraBehavior, Image):

class SampleApp(App):

    def build(self):
        return Base()
