
Master Project Front-End
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About The Project

This is the front-end of our master project done by Noemi Lemonnier using NuxtJS/Vuetify.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  • npm
npm install npm@latest -g


Important: you need your own .env file with your own Google API.

  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Go into the folder
cd aidline
  1. Install NPM packages
npm install @nuxt/vuetify @nuxt/axios @nuxtjs/proxy jsonwebtoken nodemon scriptjs vue-google-places vuelidate bcryptjs vue-browser-geolocation vue2-google-maps @mdi/js vue-analytics vue-place-autocomplete

or just

npm install 
  1. Run the project for development
npm run dev


Status Role Route Note
Home Page / Completed
Login Page /login Need to connect to back-end
Create User Page /create Need to connect to back-end
Home Page for Ambulance Drivers once logged in /ambulance Need to connect to back-end
To see current active request /ambulance/currentrequest Need to connect to back-end
Display all pending requests /ambulance/pendingrequests Need to connect to back-end
Modify driver-user information /ambulance/settings Need to connect to back-end
Home Page for User once logged in /user Need to connect to back-ends
Display current request /user/currentrequest Connect to back-end to get coordinates for distance
Send a request /user/sendrequest Need to connect to back-end
Modify user information /user/settings Need to connect to back-end
Home Page for Admin once logged in /admin Need to connect to back-end for roles
Display all requests (create, modify, delete) /admin/requests Need to connect to back-end
Display all users (create, modify, delete)s /admin/users Need to connect to back-end
Modify admin-user information /admin/settings Need to connect to back-end

Functionalities to add

Status Task Note
Google Map API Add a Map Home Page
Google Geolocation Add to Home Page
Google Places API Add to Home Page
Google Autocomplete Add to Home Page
Google Map API Add a Map Ambulance Current Request Page
Google Analytics API Add analytics for the website
Geolocation Get geolocation from user
Google Places API Add Places API to receive list of hospitals near by
Push notifications User must receive notification when driver picks up his request


Distributed under no license.


Noemi Lemonnier

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