
Discord bot for playing Maexchen ('Mia' in English)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Discord bot for playing Maexchen ('Mia' in English)


This is a first very basic version but it allows you to play the game in a Discord channel.

NOTE: Currently updated to include also further games like "who am I" and a quiz - ongoing -


  • Python version 3.5.3 or above needed
  • You need to have the Python Discord library installed (e.g. "py -3 -m pip install -U discord.py" under Windows).
  • You need to create a bot instance and invite it to your server (searche the Internet on how to do this).
  • The Token received above for connecting your Maexchen bot to discord needs to be placed int the first line of the file "token.txt" which has to be in the same folder as your "Maexchen.py" file.
  • Run the maexchen.py


The Discord Bot Maexchen is offering commands to roll dices for the known game (Mia in English). Type 'r' for rolling the dices. Result is just shown to user who entered the command. Anyone can enter 's' for showing the last result for all in the channel. 'h' will show this info message in the channel.