
A great place to start with Sinatra, HTML5 Boilerplate and Compass all cooked together.

Primary LanguageRuby

Sinatra Boilerplate

A great place to start with Sinatra, HTML5 Boilerplate, Compass, CoffeeScript and Sprockets all cooked together.


  1. Grab the code and bundle the gems.
  2. Make sure you have memcached installed.
  3. Run rake s to start the development server.

What's in the Box

HTML5 Boilerplate

sinatra-boilerplate uses some of the utter uber-hawtness that is the HTML5 Boilerplate but not all. I opted not to use the build script stuff because I feel like it adds an extra layer of trouble when working with Sinatra.

The base layout file is pretty compliant with what the Boilerplate puts out except for a few minor tweaks. Most of the comments have been left in place as well.

Direct implementations from HTML5BP:

  • html scoping by class.
  • Viewport settings for mobile browsers.
  • Better analytics script.
  • More awesome CSS base.
  • ... probably more that I've forgotten :)


Modernizr is fantastic and I threw it in because... well, it's fantastic!


Because CSS sucks and SASS + Compass doesn't; it gives you all kinds of great mixins and nesting stuff that would surely make anyone who's done a lot of CSS quiver in delight. Scope the docs and get crackin'.


Susy is a fantastic grid system built to be responsive and lithe. Check out the docs here and get griddin'

Sinatra Addons

Form Tag Helpers

The thing I missed most in Sinatra was the glorious input_for kind of stuff you get with Rails, so I made some! I've included them by way of the gem I made, 'sinatra-tag-helpers'.

Routing Helpers

Some simple routing helpers I end up using a lot with Sinatra. Methods like:

  • is_page?
  • url_with_params
  • back_with_params
  • parsed_referrer_path

Extra Hawt Sauce

I've added a bunch of modules and helper functions that I use all the time to this to (hopefully) make your life easier when you're getting your app first setup. Some of the helpers methods I've added include:

  • Sprockets
    • holy crap that's nice!!
    • there's a Rake task that pre-compiles your assets so nginx (or Apache or whatever) can serve them up super fast too!
  • core extensions
    • adds a try method and blank? method to everything (totally stolen from Rails) so you can stop doing !nil? && !empty?
  • Sinatra Modifications
    • a better erb method so you don't have to do crap like erb :"folder/file" anymore; just pass a string and it'll take care of the rest (including skipping the layout on XHR requests).

Server Goodies

  • nginx configuration - all based on H5BP and a simple upstream setup for Unicorn.
  • logrotate configuration - so your logs don't get crazy.

How to Use It

You like it? Awesome! Here's how to use it:

  1. Download it (either through git or the download button).
  2. bundle
  3. Make sure you have memcached installed and running (memcached -d).
  4. Run rake s from the directory you checked the code out to.
  5. Profit!

If you have suggestions or think I goofed please let me know or send a pull request!


All the stuff used here is either open source or donation ware and totally the work of the people who made it, not me. I just put the pieces together and bundled it up all pretty-like. This little starter package wouldn't be possible without the awesome work these guys have done and their generosity in sharing their code with the rest of us.

Oh, and...

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So, ya know, watch out...