nofrinth's Following
- anthdmBelgium
- ChristianLempaCL Creative
- ChristopherBiscardi@rust-adventure
- clerk
- dortania
- dreamsofcode-io
- drizzle-team
- Effect-TSLondon
- emotion-js
- ethanniser
- freyacodes@botlabs-gg, @lavalink-devs
- gazijarinPinterest
- gleam-langOn the BEAM!
- goatedsriMom's Basement
- honojs
- Jarred-SumnerSan Francisco, CA
- joschan21WordfulAI
- juxtopposed
- knvi
- kognise@neuralinkcorp
- maaslalani@charmbracelet
- mattpocockTotal TypeScript
- mikeconleyMozilla Corp.
- missiveCanada
- nexxeln@t3-oss
- ottomatedSeattle
- PaperMCFlying through the air
- queersomewhere nice, hopefully
- robherley@GitHub
- ShopifyThe Internet
- skiff-orgSan Francisco, CA
- sneathboys
- SourceBin
- stegosoup
- tailscaleCanada
- tnarla@discord