
Simple and lightweight CAPTCHA

Primary LanguagePython


Simple, lightweight and customizable CAPTCHA.


from faptcha import captcha

c = captcha.Captcha()
img, id = c.get()

After that img gets serialized captcha image (of type bytes) which contains some random text. id stores the sha256-hash of captcha text.

For example:


To verify if the captcha text was recognized correctly:

c.check(id, code)

where code is the user-entered text of the captcha. If the captcha is recognized correctly, the function returns True, False otherwise.

Captcha class signature with default values:

Captcha(size=(150, 50), length=4, font_name='terminus.ttf', font_size=40,
             color=(0, 0, 0, 255), bg_color=(255, 255, 255, 0), storage_size=2**20)

Alphabet (with default terminus font):
