
'estimated reading time' plugin

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

pelican-ert plugin

A plugin for estimating time that could be spent for an article reading.

How it works

Required configuration

Description of the variables

Your pelicanconf.py should include following new options:

  • ERT_WPM: number of words that human usually read per one minute
  • ERT_FORMAT: format string, that contains {time} entry.
  • ERT_INT True or False whether or not the time displays as an integer or a float

Default configuration

ERT_WPM = 200
ERT_FORMAT = '{time} read'

Accessing the estimated reading time information

For example, this is the code from my article.html template:

{% if article.ert %} <strong>{{ article.ert }} </strong> {% endif %}

Screenshot i.e. feel free to use it in any place where you have an access to article entity.