
The new System starting from the Legacy System


The new System starting from the Legacy System I am a Man who has always wanted a goal in my life, never was fulfilled. lately, I do what I must to motivate myself to do projects I have thought of, the only thing is, I been on my own for so long. This is how Great people become the CEO or anything spectacular. I demand change and I want it for the well being of the World. Coding is still new to me but I love just about almost everything. Electronic Trance Music and Computers are my drugs, lol. The changes I see in this New Age is why is it so hard for us to obtain money, I see a plan on making things become available without working so hard. The Security system is not doing anything to prevent certain things in life from happening. I see a better and more defensive one, instead of the use of weaponary objects, systems, etc. This is my first time doing this so I will be learning, however, I would prefer a Team to work with and a Teacher to fully educate me and us, to create a World that was supposed to be for Freedom. The Abuse, physically and mentally, the unequality that I have personally seen, has made me live a way I am not happy about. Let's have fun with our hobbies, not jobs. I rather work my talents for the technology and Items we all create.