
A simple Ecommerce done with "create-t3-app"

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Simple Ecommerce

Just a simple project to learn a bit about the T3-Stack, NextJS, Stripe and Paypal.


  • NodeJS
  • MySQL
    • Here you could install mysql locally on your machine, use docker or even use an online option, like the one i'm using from PlanetScale
  • Yarn (optional)

How to run the project for development

  1. Make sure you have fulfilled all requirements
  2. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/nogenem/nextjs-simple-ecommerce.git
  1. Install all dependencies
cd nextjs-simple-ecommerce
yarn install
  1. Make a copy of the file .env.example and rename it to .env
cp .env.example .env
  1. Edit the content of the .env
  • DATABASE_URL: comes from mysql.
    • If you are going to use PlanetScale, go to their website, create an account and a database. Now you can get the online url from the website or you can run the database locally using their CLI.
  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET: generate a random string to put here.
  • GOOGLE_ID and GOOGLE_SECRET: Follow some tutorial to get these values from Google.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID and PAYPAL_SECRET: Follow some tutorial to get these values from Paypal.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC = STRIPE_PUBLIC and STRIPE_SECRET: Follow some tutorial to get these values from Stripe.
  1. Run the following commands to setup the prisma database
yarn dev:pscale:connect # Terminal tab 1, if you are using planetscale' CLI to run the database locally
# Terminal tab 2 \/
yarn prisma:push
yarn prisma:seed
  1. Run the following commands to start the project
yarn dev:pscale:connect # Terminal tab 1, if you are using planetscale' CLI to run the database locally
yarn prisma:studio # Terminal tab 2, if you want to access the prisma' database UI
yarn dev # Terminal tab 3

Some images of the project

Dark home page


Light home page


Product page


Cart page


Place your order page


Order page



  • Merge the guest and logged in user' cart on login !?

  • Add a text to the product page informing the user if they already have 1 or more of that product in the cart

  • Show to the user when a variant is out of stock/is not available anymore !? Or just filter all those cases out !?

  • Add debound to the min/max price inputs in /?

  • Add some sorting options to the home page

  • Add a search input to the home page and/or the navbar

  • Add the variants' colors to the ProductCard !?

  • Try to lower the amount of data on first load of the home page !?

  • Use pagination/infinite loading on the home page and on the orders page !?

  • Add tests to the project

  • Handle the shipping addresses better !?

    • Allow used to save and edit them;
    • That can be a problem cause the user shouldn't be allowed to do that on addresses that are on orders already paid;
  • Handle the product stock better !?

  • Add other forms of login, like with other OAuth options and a local option !?

  • Add an Admin section for the site to allow the management of products, orders and so on and to show stats/graphs of sells